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Forum Index : Microcontroller and PC projects : RP2350 firmware
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Mixtel90 Guru Joined: 05/10/2019 Location: United KingdomPosts: 6768 |
I think this still applies. On the PicoMite the SD card is bitbanged. Even if you connect it to a hardware SPI interface it gets switched into bitbang mode while accessing it. Consequently any valid digital GPIO pins can be used, providing you specify them using OPTION SDCARD. GP12 to GP19 aren't valid GPIO pins on a RP2350 that is using a DVI output. However, they probably are if using VGA and suitable pins have been specified using OPTION VGA PINS. In that respect it's like the RP2040. If you plug a Pico 2 into a board designed for a Pico VGA then you will have to run it with a VGA version of the firmware. The DVI version is no good. Mick Zilog Inside! for Nascom & Gemini Preliminary MMBasic docs & my PCB designs |
Martin H. Guru Joined: 04/06/2022 Location: GermanyPosts: 1113 |
I've done the first test with the Pico 2 VGA Firmware in one of your the Pico-Game Boards. VGA, Keyboard, Gamepad, Audio, SD Card, all runs so All pins behave in the same way as the RP2040. Edited 2024-08-25 02:14 by Martin H. 'no comment |
robert.rozee Guru Joined: 31/12/2012 Location: New ZealandPosts: 2350 |
i'm pretty sure that both the VGA pins and PS/2 keyboard pins are fixed on the RP2040 'picomiteVGA'; GP17-GP21 for VGA, and GP8+GP9 for PS/2 keyboard. not having them fixed and permanently enabled would break the 'boot-to-BASIC' ethos. it is getting to the stage that we just about need a configuration matrix, what with different firmware variants for VGA, HDMI, PS/2, USB keyboard, USB console, serial TTL console! cheers, rob :-) Edited 2024-08-25 02:47 by robert.rozee |
Mixtel90 Guru Joined: 05/10/2019 Location: United KingdomPosts: 6768 |
Check the OPTION VGA PINS setting, Rob. I've used it to get VGA out of a RP2040-Zero which hasn't got any pins between GP15 and GP26. :) GP8 and GP9 are best kept for the keyboard / console so that you know how to control the beastie! Mick Zilog Inside! for Nascom & Gemini Preliminary MMBasic docs & my PCB designs |
robert.rozee Guru Joined: 31/12/2012 Location: New ZealandPosts: 2350 |
i'm looking at a manual for version 5.07.04, guess things have changed since then! addendum: ... just found a manual for version 5.08.00 that indeed contains: "OPTION VGA PINS HSYNCpin, BLUEpin Changes the pins used for VGA display output allowing more flexibility in PCB design or wiring. “HSYNCpin” defines the start of a pair of contiguous GP numbered pins that are connected to HSYNC and VSYNC “BLUEpin” defines the start of four contiguous GP numbered pins that are connected to BLUE, GREEN_LSB, GREEN_MSB, and RED." cheers, rob :-) Edited 2024-08-25 03:24 by robert.rozee |
Bleep Guru Joined: 09/01/2022 Location: United KingdomPosts: 509 |
Hi Peter, Using the latest I'm getting some blocky artefacts on HDMI, only seems to affect Mode 1 Sample programs with problems attached. Just noticed the option list says VGA, but I definitely have a HDMI cable plugged in! the CPU Speed is correct. :-) PicoMiteVGA MMBasic USB Edition 6.00.00b0 OPTION FLASH SIZE 4194304 OPTION COLOURCODE ON OPTION KEYBOARD ES, 0, 0, 200, 80 OPTION CPUSPEED (KHz) 315000 OPTION SDCARD GP11, GP10, GP9, GP8 OPTION KEYBOARD REPEAT 200,80 I'll keep testing. Regards, Kevin. |
vegipete Guru Joined: 29/01/2013 Location: CanadaPosts: 1109 |
Nice looking font, although the capitals are shrunken to my eye. Here's my rendition of them, modified to 8 x 14 pixels: ' Short Demo Program to show Vamsen8x14 font in both normal and bold. ' ' By Vegipete, August, 2024 ' ' Based on Tamsen font by Sunaku, which is based on Tamsyn by Scott. cls font 8 ? ? " Vamzen8x14.fnt" ? " ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345" ? " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890" ? " {}[]()<>$*-+=/#_%^@\&|~?'" chr$(34) "`!,.;:" ? " Illegal1I = oO0" ? " The quick brown fox, (..) Hello," ? " jumps over lazy dog. /__\ World!" ? font 9 ? " Vamzen8x14b.fnt" ? " ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345" ? " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890" ? " {}[]()<>$*-+=/#_%^@\&|~?'" chr$(34) "`!,.;:" ? " Illegal1I = oO0" ? " The quick brown fox, (..) Hello," ? " jumps over lazy dog. /__\ World!" ? end DefineFont #8 'Vamzen8x14.fnt 60200E08 00000000 00000000 00000000 20000000 20202020 20200000 00000000 48484800 00000048 00000000 00000000 48FC4848 4848FC48 00000000 80782020 08087080 002020F0 60000000 10689492 0C92522C 00000000 90906000 8C926260 0000728C 10000000 00101010 00000000 00000000 10100800 20202020 08101020 20000000 08081010 10080808 00002010 00000000 30FC3048 00000048 00000000 10101000 101010FE 00000000 00000000 00000000 10103030 00000020 00000000 000000FC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00003030 04040000 10100808 40402020 00008080 8C847800 84C4A494 00007884 10000000 10105030 7C101010 00000000 04847800 40201008 0000FC80 FC000000 04381008 78840404 00000000 28180800 08FC8848 00000808 FC000000 04F88080 78840404 00000000 40201800 8484F880 00007884 FC000000 10080804 20202010 00000000 84847800 84847884 00007884 78000000 7C848484 60100804 00000000 30000000 00000030 00003030 00000000 00303000 30300000 00201010 08000000 20402010 00000810 00000000 00FC0000 0000FC00 00000000 40000000 10081020 00004020 78000000 20100884 20200000 00000000 82443800 A6A2A29E 3E40809A 30000000 84848448 848484FC 00000000 8484F800 8484F884 0000F884 3C000000 80808040 3C408080 00000000 8488F000 84848484 0000F088 FC000000 F8808080 FC808080 00000000 8080FC00 8080F880 00008080 3C000000 80808040 3C44848C 00000000 84848400 8484FC84 00008484 7C000000 10101010 7C101010 00000000 04040400 84040404 00007884 84000000 C0A09088 848890A0 00000000 80808000 80808080 0000FC80 82000000 9292AAC6 82828282 00000000 C4848400 848C94A4 00008484 78000000 84848484 78848484 00000000 8484F800 80F88484 00008080 78000000 84848484 78848484 00000408 8484F800 90F88484 00008488 78000000 18608084 78840404 00000000 1010FE00 10101010 00001010 84000000 84848484 78848484 00000000 84848400 48488484 00003030 82000000 82828282 44AA9292 00000000 44828200 44281028 00008282 82000000 28448282 10101010 00000000 0402FE00 40201008 0000FE80 40780000 40404040 40404040 00007840 40408080 10102020 04040808 08780000 08080808 08080808 00007808 50200000 00000088 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000FF00 48483000 00000030 00000000 00000000 04780000 7C84847C 00000000 80808000 8484C4B8 0000F884 00000000 84780000 78848080 00000000 04040400 8484847C 0000748C 00000000 84780000 7C8080FC 00000000 20201800 202020FC 00002020 00000000 847C0000 7C848484 00780404 80808000 8484C4B8 00008484 10000000 10700010 7C101010 00000000 00101000 10101070 10101010 800000E0 90888080 8488D0A0 00000000 2020E000 20202020 00001C20 00000000 92EC0000 92929292 00000000 00000000 8484C4B8 00008484 00000000 84780000 78848484 00000000 00000000 8484C4B8 8080F884 00000080 847C0000 748C8484 00060404 00000000 8080C4B8 00008080 00000000 84780000 78841860 00000000 20200000 202020FC 00001C20 00000000 84840000 748C8484 00000000 00000000 48488484 00003030 00000000 92820000 6C929292 00000000 00000000 30304884 00008448 00000000 84840000 748C8484 00780404 00000000 201008FC 0000FC40 30000000 40404040 40404080 00003040 10101010 10101010 10101010 60000010 10101010 10101008 00006010 62000000 00008C92 00000000 00000000 44281000 00FE8282 00000000 End DefineFont DefineFont #9 'Vamzen8x14b.fnt 60200E08 00000000 00000000 00000000 30000000 30307878 30300000 00000000 6C6C6C00 0000006C 00000000 00000000 6CFE6C6C 6C6CFE6C 00000000 C07C3030 0C0C78C0 003030F8 60000000 1068DCDA 0CB6762C 00000000 D8D87000 CCDA7270 000072CC 30000000 00303030 00000000 00000000 18180C00 30303030 0C181830 60000000 18183030 30181818 00006030 00000000 38FE386C 0000006C 00000000 18181800 181818FF 00000000 00000000 00000000 18183838 00000030 00000000 0000007E 00000000 00000000 00000000 00003838 06060000 18180C0C 60603030 0000C0C0 DCCC7800 CCECECDC 000078CC 30000000 3030F070 FC303030 00000000 0CCC7800 C0603018 0000FCC0 FC000000 0C38180C 78CC0C0C 00000000 3C1C0C00 0CFECC6C 00000C0C FC000000 0CF8C0C0 78CC0C0C 00000000 60301800 CCCCF8C0 000078CC FC000000 3018180C 60606030 00000000 CCCC7800 CCCC78CC 000078CC 78000000 7CCCCCCC 6030180C 00000000 38000000 00000038 00003838 00000000 00383800 38380000 00301818 0C000000 30603018 00000C18 00000000 00FC0000 0000FC00 00000000 60000000 180C1830 00006030 78000000 30180C8C 30300000 00000000 C6643800 D6D6D6DE 3E60C0DE 30000000 CCCCCC78 CCCCCCFC 00000000 CCCCF800 CCCCF8CC 0000F8CC 3C000000 C0C0C060 3C60C0C0 00000000 CCD8F000 CCCCCCCC 0000F0D8 FC000000 F8C0C0C0 FCC0C0C0 00000000 C0C0FC00 C0C0F8C0 0000C0C0 3C000000 C0C0C060 3C6CCCCC 00000000 CCCCCC00 CCCCFCCC 0000CCCC FC000000 30303030 FC303030 00000000 0C0C0C00 CC0C0C0C 000078CC C6000000 E0F0D8CC C6CCD8F0 00000000 C0C0C000 C0C0C0C0 0000FCC0 82000000 D6FEEEC6 C6C6C6C6 00000000 E6C6C600 C6CEDEF6 0000C6C6 78000000 CCCCCCCC 78CCCCCC 00000000 CCCCF800 C0F8CCCC 0000C0C0 78000000 CCCCCCCC 78CCCCCC 00000C18 CCCCF800 D8F8CCCC 0000CCCC 78000000 1870C0C4 788C0C0C 00000000 3030FC00 30303030 00003030 CC000000 CCCCCCCC 78CCCCCC 00000000 CCCCCC00 CCCCCCCC 00003078 C6000000 D6C6C6C6 6CEEFED6 00000000 C6C6C600 C66C386C 0000C6C6 CC000000 78CCCCCC 30303030 00000000 0C06FE00 C0603018 0000FE80 60780000 60606060 60606060 00007860 6060C0C0 18183030 06060C0C 18780000 18181818 18181818 00007818 78300000 000000CC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000FF00 6C6C3800 00000038 00000000 00000000 0C780000 7CCCCC7C 00000000 C0C0C000 CCCCCCF8 0000F8CC 00000000 CC780000 78CCC0C0 00000000 0C0C0C00 CCCCCC7C 00007CCC 00000000 CC780000 7CC0C0FC 00000000 60603C00 606060FC 00006060 00000000 CC7C0000 7CCCCCCC 00780C0C C0C0C000 CCCCCCF8 0000CCCC 18000000 18780018 7E181818 00000000 00181800 18181878 18181818 C00000F0 F0D8C0C0 CCD8F0E0 00000000 3030F000 30303030 00001C30 00000000 D6EC0000 D6D6D6D6 00000000 00000000 CCCCCCF8 0000CCCC 00000000 CC780000 78CCCCCC 00000000 00000000 CCCCCCF8 C0C0F8CC 000000C0 CC7C0000 7CCCCCCC 000E0C0C 00000000 C0C0CCF8 0000C0C0 00000000 C4780000 78CC1870 00000000 60600000 606060FC 00003C60 00000000 CCCC0000 7CCCCCCC 00000000 00000000 CCCCCCCC 00003078 00000000 D6C60000 ECD6D6D6 00000000 00000000 38386CC6 0000C66C 00000000 CCCC0000 7CCCCCCC 00780C0C 00000000 603018FC 0000FCC0 38000000 60606060 606060C0 00003860 30303030 30303030 30303030 E0000030 30303030 30303018 0000E030 72000000 00009CFE 00000000 00000000 6C381000 00FEC6C6 00000000 End DefineFont Visit Vegipete's *Mite Library for cool programs. |
matherp Guru Joined: 11/12/2012 Location: United KingdomPosts: 9100 |
For the avoidance of doubt, there will be no changes to fonts and certainly not to one that doesn't divide exactly into 240/480 Edited 2024-08-25 06:59 by matherp |
robert.rozee Guru Joined: 31/12/2012 Location: New ZealandPosts: 2350 |
hi Vegipete, 240 = 15 x 16, so if we go for a height of either 15 or 16 pixels we can avoid that pesky 'certainly' in the editor this should give either 30 or 32 lines of text. personally, i reckon 30 would be visually more appealing. if i'm not mistaken, a new version of font 1 (currently a hideous 8x12) can be loaded into the LIBRARY and will thereafter be substituted upon reboot. hopefully the inbuilt editor will pick up on this and use it, although i've not tried it out. try changing the line: DefineFont #8 'Vamzen8x14.fnt to instead read: DefineFont #1 'Vamzen8x14.fnt and save it to the library using LIBRARY SAVE, then reboot and see if it takes. in particular, see if the editor successfully adapts to the new height. then folks can test it out and bathe in the glory of real descenders and unmangled M,m,W,w. cheers, rob :-) Edited 2024-08-25 10:51 by robert.rozee |
vegipete Guru Joined: 29/01/2013 Location: CanadaPosts: 1109 |
An even height/width makes more sense to me. Then an extended character that is an edge-to-edge checker board will tile properly. Alas, LIBRARY SAVEing as font #1 isn't working for me. Too bad. Visit Vegipete's *Mite Library for cool programs. |
matherp Guru Joined: 11/12/2012 Location: United KingdomPosts: 9100 |
Away from home at the moment so can't test anything until late next week. Do though please keep testing and posting any issues. |
Martin H. Guru Joined: 04/06/2022 Location: GermanyPosts: 1113 |
I noticed something else during the tests with Picomite software. The “MAP” command/function has been introduced in the new version. Since some, including me, tended to use your “Map” array for games, the new version causes errors. This is not a direct error of MMBasic. A quick remedy is to load the source code into a text editor and replace MAP with MAP1 (or similar) by search&replace. As I said, it is not a bug in MMBasic, just an incompatibility with previous versions Edited 2024-08-25 21:07 by Martin H. 'no comment |
robert.rozee Guru Joined: 31/12/2012 Location: New ZealandPosts: 2350 |
my mistake - from the manual: "Any font number in the range of 2 to 5 and 8 to 16 can be specified and if it is the same as a built in font it will replace that font" so instead try saving the below (your 8x14 font, no other code required) to the library using LIBRARY SAVE, reboot the pico (don't know if this is needed or not), and then type at the command prompt: OPTION LCDPANEL CONSOLE #16 this option should be permanent across reboots and power cycling, but can be undone by either clearing all options with OPTION RESET, or by typing in the above line with #1 instead of #16. if it works, please do take a photo of your LCD monitor showing the editor running (with a program listing in it) and post it here i'm interested in seeing how much more readable the new font is in practice. cheers, rob :-) ' By Vegipete, August, 2024 ' Based on Tamsen font by Sunaku, ' which is based on Tamsyn by Scott DefineFont #16 'Vamzen8x14.fnt 60200E08 00000000 00000000 00000000 20000000 20202020 20200000 00000000 48484800 00000048 00000000 00000000 48FC4848 4848FC48 00000000 80782020 08087080 002020F0 60000000 10689492 0C92522C 00000000 90906000 8C926260 0000728C 10000000 00101010 00000000 00000000 10100800 20202020 08101020 20000000 08081010 10080808 00002010 00000000 30FC3048 00000048 00000000 10101000 101010FE 00000000 00000000 00000000 10103030 00000020 00000000 000000FC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00003030 04040000 10100808 40402020 00008080 8C847800 84C4A494 00007884 10000000 10105030 7C101010 00000000 04847800 40201008 0000FC80 FC000000 04381008 78840404 00000000 28180800 08FC8848 00000808 FC000000 04F88080 78840404 00000000 40201800 8484F880 00007884 FC000000 10080804 20202010 00000000 84847800 84847884 00007884 78000000 7C848484 60100804 00000000 30000000 00000030 00003030 00000000 00303000 30300000 00201010 08000000 20402010 00000810 00000000 00FC0000 0000FC00 00000000 40000000 10081020 00004020 78000000 20100884 20200000 00000000 82443800 A6A2A29E 3E40809A 30000000 84848448 848484FC 00000000 8484F800 8484F884 0000F884 3C000000 80808040 3C408080 00000000 8488F000 84848484 0000F088 FC000000 F8808080 FC808080 00000000 8080FC00 8080F880 00008080 3C000000 80808040 3C44848C 00000000 84848400 8484FC84 00008484 7C000000 10101010 7C101010 00000000 04040400 84040404 00007884 84000000 C0A09088 848890A0 00000000 80808000 80808080 0000FC80 82000000 9292AAC6 82828282 00000000 C4848400 848C94A4 00008484 78000000 84848484 78848484 00000000 8484F800 80F88484 00008080 78000000 84848484 78848484 00000408 8484F800 90F88484 00008488 78000000 18608084 78840404 00000000 1010FE00 10101010 00001010 84000000 84848484 78848484 00000000 84848400 48488484 00003030 82000000 82828282 44AA9292 00000000 44828200 44281028 00008282 82000000 28448282 10101010 00000000 0402FE00 40201008 0000FE80 40780000 40404040 40404040 00007840 40408080 10102020 04040808 08780000 08080808 08080808 00007808 50200000 00000088 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000FF00 48483000 00000030 00000000 00000000 04780000 7C84847C 00000000 80808000 8484C4B8 0000F884 00000000 84780000 78848080 00000000 04040400 8484847C 0000748C 00000000 84780000 7C8080FC 00000000 20201800 202020FC 00002020 00000000 847C0000 7C848484 00780404 80808000 8484C4B8 00008484 10000000 10700010 7C101010 00000000 00101000 10101070 10101010 800000E0 90888080 8488D0A0 00000000 2020E000 20202020 00001C20 00000000 92EC0000 92929292 00000000 00000000 8484C4B8 00008484 00000000 84780000 78848484 00000000 00000000 8484C4B8 8080F884 00000080 847C0000 748C8484 00060404 00000000 8080C4B8 00008080 00000000 84780000 78841860 00000000 20200000 202020FC 00001C20 00000000 84840000 748C8484 00000000 00000000 48488484 00003030 00000000 92820000 6C929292 00000000 00000000 30304884 00008448 00000000 84840000 748C8484 00780404 00000000 201008FC 0000FC40 30000000 40404040 40404080 00003040 10101010 10101010 10101010 60000010 10101010 10101008 00006010 62000000 00008C92 00000000 00000000 44281000 00FE8282 00000000 End DefineFont Edited 2024-08-26 00:21 by robert.rozee Footnote added 2024-08-26 23:06 by robert.rozee using version 5.09.00 rc5, from Geoff's website, i was finally able to make it work. the highest font number i could use was #8, and i needed to set TILE HEIGHT 14 at the command prompt variously to ensure that lines of text were not overlapped. Footnote added 2024-08-26 23:25 by robert.rozee ... oh, and i couldn't for the life of me get colour coding to work in the editor. it always came out monochrome no matter what adjustments to tile height, etc that i made. |
barewires Newbie Joined: 13/04/2015 Location: United KingdomPosts: 30 |
Give me your deets and I will send you a pico2 |
Mixtel90 Guru Joined: 05/10/2019 Location: United KingdomPosts: 6768 |
That's a kind offer but I think Stan has ordered a couple now. :) Mick Zilog Inside! for Nascom & Gemini Preliminary MMBasic docs & my PCB designs |
stanleyella Guru Joined: 25/06/2022 Location: United KingdomPosts: 2112 |
Thanks for the kind offer but I ordered 2 pico2 from pimoroni. regards, stan |
Bleep Guru Joined: 09/01/2022 Location: United KingdomPosts: 509 |
Hi Peter, Do you know if there is an equivalent program to the flash erase/nuke uf2 that we used to have? I have a strange problem, that might? need it. I have 2 Pico2 one I am using for general MMBasic testing, the other for other stuff. If I flash HDMI USB PicoMite it works ok, I've been using it for testing HDMI up till now, however I thought I should test the standard HDMI version, this flashes fine, but then nothing, no HDMI signal, no flashing heartbeat, I've tried re-flashing several times, still nothing. So I flashed my other Pico2 with standard HDMI and I get a heart beat, can't currently connect up anything else to it, but I assume it's outputting a HDMI signal and I can talk to it using a terminal. So this one Pico2, will run HDMI USB fine, but won't run standard HDMI, any thoughts? Regards Kevin. |
matherp Guru Joined: 11/12/2012 Location: United KingdomPosts: 9100 | |
Sasquatch Guru Joined: 08/05/2020 Location: United StatesPosts: 362 |
Didn't get too far with Version 6.00.00b0 for VGA on a RP2350A device. Even simple commands give the following error: PicoMiteVGA MMBasic Version 6.00.00b0 Copyright 2011-2024 Geoff Graham Copyright 2016-2024 Peter Mather > option list PicoMiteVGA MMBasic Version 6.00.00b0 OPTION FLASH SIZE 4194304 OPTION KEYBOARD US > print "Hello World" Error : Stack overflow, expression too complex at depth 0 > The version 5.09.00RC7 seems to work OK on the RP2350A device so far. -Carl |
PhenixRising Guru Joined: 07/11/2023 Location: United KingdomPosts: 856 |
Sorry but what's this Option flash size? |
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